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Behind the scenes of Christmas Afternoon tea

Scrumptious Sandwiches

Enjoy a Christmas themed sandwich collection including salmon gravlax and cream cheese on beetroot bread, roasted vegetables with chestnut pesto on focaccia bread and the classic roast turkey and stuffing on cranberry bread.
As an added bonus, we've created our very first mini honey roast ham Wellington.

Traditional Seasonal Scones

Freshly out the oven are our selection of seasonal scones including classic plain and festive spiced orange fruit.
Make sure to try them with our special mulled wine and plum jam topped with delicious clotted cream.

Decorative Christmas Cakes

Afternoon tea would not be complete without devouring our stunning cake selection, that look almost too good to eat! Including:

Crunchy Christmas tree Macaron
Pistachio macron with pistachio butter creme

Mirror-glazed chestnut Christmas Pudding
Chocolate choux pastry with chestnut crème

And don't forget:

Gingerbread Cake
with a Cinnamon whipped ganache

Spiced Cherry Gateau Present
Cherry mousse, spiced chocolate mousse with a crunchy biscuit chocolate layer

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   at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
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