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Wines to go with your festive meals


Whether you are having eggs in the morning or a salmon bagel, start the day with something sparkly to celebrate. To keep it light and fresh, I recommend Taittinger Folies de la Marquetterie. This stunning Champagne captures notes of grilled brioche, vanilla and honey flavours, whilst being still quite fresh and delicate. Perfect for helping you clear your palate during breakfast. However, if you are looking for an alternative Bucks Fizz always works a treat as well!


As there are so many different canapés served during Christmas, I like to pair these with wines that have a really creamy texture, but continue to be quite fresh and light. I would suggest to stay away from oak flavours in particular and instead opt for something fruity. A good wine that I'd recommend for any starter selection is Morgadio da Torre from Portugal. With it's citrine-yellow colour with greenish tints, this wine has a very rich, creamy texture. It's very lively, well-integrated yet has a dense nature which makes it very versatile, perfect for seafood and intense dishes.

With your Turkey

I personally love my turkey paired many different wines and it was quite difficult to choose this one from the vast selection that is out there. This year, I have chosen Morgon from Chateau des Jacques. With a deep sherry colour, black berry aromas and silky tannin. This stunning wine gives off notes of toffee that work very well with the perfect Christmas turkey.

To finish

For dessert, I have chosen El Candado from Valdespino. I love Pedro Ximenez Sherry and the caramel, toffee and really deep dry fruit flavours that you can taste with every sip. It pairs phenomenally with your Christmas pudding and other heavy pudding alternatives by cutting straight through the fattiness of these dense desserts.


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