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Best of British Conference Menu

Our Executive Chef works avidly with local suppliers and together they research and source the finest, freshest local seasonal produce allowing him and his talented brigade to develop delicious and varied menus for your meeting or event.

Please select a meat or fish platter, four salads, one hot dish and one dessert for the whole party:

meat and fish platters

Cold meats e.g. turkey, ham, beef, pork
Continental cured meats e.g. chorizo, salami, bresaola, Parma ham
Smoked fish e.g. salmon, mackerel, halibut, trout, mussels.


Caesar | Tomato and Mozzarella
Spicy Cous Cous | Olive and Tomato Pasta
Green Leaves | Bulgur Wheat
Tomato and Red Onion | Cucumber and Mint
Potato and Chives

hot dishes

Fish goujons and chips, tartar sauce
Cottage Pie
Lasagne and garlic bread
Salmon with warm potato and caper salad
Chicken with sun dried tomatoes, olives and pesto

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   at Umbraco.Core.Profiling.ProfilingView.Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer)
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Crème Brulee
Dark Chocolate Mousse
Peach Melba
Lemon Tart

vegetarian option

Individual plate of antipasto e.g. grilled artichokes, marinated olives, sun blushed tomatoes, grissini, hummus.

day meetings

meeting rooms