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Top 7 Tips to enjoy a healthy, fun and happy summer

1. Focus on the positives & stay happy

Life can throw you all sorts of curve balls, so focus on looking at the positives of any uncomfortable situation. Having a strong, positive mental approach will aid any goals you may have – fitness goals included.

Four big factors to keep positive and to stay happy:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Nurture relationships
  • Pursue interests and hobbies
  • Manage stress levels

2. Stop creating excuses not to be active

Any activity is better than doing nothing. A lot of people create their own barriers to exercise; “I’m too tired today, I’ll definitely train tomorrow” can quickly lead to a downward spiral of inactivity line we've all probably said.

Get up, look in the mirror and tell yourself “let’s do this!”. However don't forget that rest is very important too. I encourage to take the time to find something that you enjoy and can maintain.  This will help break down the barriers as you’ll genuinely enjoy what you’re doing.

What’s the point of doing something that you hate everyday?

3. Keep yourself motivated by trying something new

There are so many options out there; weight training, going for a walk in the woods, attending a fitness class, rock climbing, swimming etc. Don’t be scared of the unknown. Do something that scares you. You’ll try things that you absolutely hate but I guarantee you that you’ll stumble upon things that you’ll love.

4. Don’t over complicate your diet - keep it simple

There are so many conflicting articles out there around diets and nutrition. A lot of people ask you to eat ‘X’ grams of this and ‘X’ milligrams of that. If you’re competing at a high level then strict diets can make the difference, but for the general population who are looking to lead healthy happy lives, live by the motto “everything in moderation”.

I always highlight to my clients that if you desperately crave something, then have it.

You need to enjoy your life and cravings are another way of making life interesting. Do not feel guilty to enjoy the foods you love now and again with friends and family. This also ensures you are keeping cravings at bay by making sure they do not become an obsession.

5. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet

Be very mindful of fad diets. The packaging of a fitness program or nutrition plan can be very appealing. There are so many different products and supplements on the market providing you with “essential nutrients and vitamins” etc. You can get all the nutrients the body requires just through eating normal healthy foods. 

Any extreme or intense diet or exercise program will get you short term results, fact. But is this sustainable forever? No.

Focus on the things that you enjoy and can stick to. We’re not looking at short term. We’re looking at the long term, building healthy and happy lifestyle you can maintain.

6. Find a life style that suits YOU

Everyone is unique and different. What works for your friend, brother or fitness model may work for them, but it might not be best suited for you. If you can’t train or set days to train 3 times a week, then don't panic, just focus on the days you can train. Make those days efficient. Then alter your lifestyle to be more active. Take a stroll after work. Walk around during your lunch break. Find something that suits your lifestyle.

7. Don’t be scared to ask questions

The gym can be a scary place, full of egos and conflicting advice. Please don’t be afraid to ask the fitness professionals questions. We’re here to help.

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